Strulch 9kg
Strulch® is a light and easy to use garden mulch made from wheat straw for organic gardening. A patented process developed by Dr Geoff Whiteley at The University of Leeds, is used to ‘preserve’ the straw so that it lasts for up to two years and gives an earthy brown colour.
Strulch has a neutral pH and can be used throughout the garden on borders, raised beds, around cultivated fruit and on vegetable plots.
Benefits of Strulch mulch:
> Reduces weed growth by up to 95%
> Helps retain moisture around plants
> Enriches soil and its structure
> Suitable around flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetables
The physical properties of Strulch mulch together with the embedded minerals deters slugs and snails.
One 9kg bag covers an area of 3sqm.
0% Peat Content
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