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Phalaenopsis hybrid 3 Stem - White

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Product Code: 8719562835228
Stock Code: 492742

    A beautiful 3 stemmed orchid in white - a fabluous gift!

    > Light - Position in filtered light in spring and bright light in winter. Avoid direct sunlight as leaves will burn
    > Temperature - Max Temp 35c, Winter Night Temp 15-18c.
    > Humidity - Prefers higher humidity
    > Watering - Water when dry and when the plant feels light and roots are silvery. Thoroughly water from the top and allow water to wash through freely - Do not stand in water. Try to keep water out of the crown of the plant.
    > Temperature - Average to warm temperature with a minimum of 13C
    > Soil/Repotting - Repot when not in flower using a transparent pot and orchid repotting mix
    > Feeding - Feed with an Orchid Fertiliser, weekly in summer and fortnightly in winter or use Orchid Myst a couple of times a week
    > Toxicity - Non-toxic

    The plant is pictured in one of our Schurich Wild Sea Orchid pots that is not included.

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