Half Term ‘Finger Knitting Challenge’ – How far did we go?
Our half term activity, ‘The Finger Knitting Challenge’, fitted in perfectly with ‘The Sewing Bee’s Yarn Bombing Event‘ in aid of the Rennie Grove charity.
Children were invited to come along to the garden centre, learn how to finger knit and take part in our ‘challenge’ to knit a length that would reach the distance from the Main Entrance doors to our Dahlia Coffee House (measuring 45 metres).
By day 4 we had reached our target and we went on to knit a length that measured a whooping 68.33 metres! one and a half times the distance we set out to achieve! We also raised £52.40 for the Rennie Grove charity which we have added to the Sewing Bee’s Yarn Bombing total, which we will reveal when the event comes to a close at the end of this weekend!
Over 100 children took part in the challenge (and a few adults too!), here’s our daily tally chart…
Finger Knitting Challenge Tally
Target: 45 metres (From the Main Entrance Doors to the Dahlia Coffee House)
Length Knitted Percentage of 45m Target Reached
Day 1 9m 20%
A fantastic first day of finger knitting and on track to meet our target!
Day 2 22.8m 71%
Another excellent day of knitting and proving very popular with children and adults alike!
Day 3 11.16m 95%
We have nearly reached our target! How much further can we go?..
Day 4 13.01m 124%
We have exceeded our target with a day to go!
Day 5 12.36m 152%
A great day to finish our ‘Finger Knitting Challenge’! – in total we knitted (drum roll please…) 68.33 metres!
Thank you to everyone who joined in and supported the Rennie Grove charity.