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01727 822255
Chrysanthemums are the ideal plant to grow when wanting to extend summer colours in the border. At the same time, the later flowering cultivars aptly provide beautiful shades of late autumn. The early flowering chrysanthemums and sprays make superb long-lasting cut flowers.
Plants are grown in 10cm plastic pots and are available from the last week in April. For best results, they should be planted out in the open ground early in May, or as soon as weather conditions permit, allowing 30cm square for each plant. Plant with humus and a good general fertiliser which is high in nitrogen.
Early Flowering Cultivars
- On average, chrysanthemums grow to approximately 1-1.2m and should be staked at planting (there are various ways of doing this, depending on individual needs).
- Two weeks after planting the plants that have not already been stopped by us, these should be stopped by pinching out the main stem and grown on to develop 6 or 7 shoots.
- Disbud for large blooms.
Spray Chrysanthemum
- Ideal for garden decoration or cut flowers.
- Grow to approximately 90cm.
- Flowering August – September.
- At the time of planting, if the plants have not been stopped by us they should be stopped at planting, leaving 4 shoots. Three weeks later, stop again, leaving a total of 8-10 shoots for flowering.
- No disbudding will be needed.
Garden Mums – Showmakers and Yoders
- These are the shorter compact cultivars that make superb pot plants ideal for the patio.
- They can also be planted in the front of borders to give a superb splash of intense colour.
- The Showmaker varieties tend to be earlier flowering followed by the Yoder varieties for excellent Autumn colour.
- These cultivars are stopped by us and then are self-branching.
To discuss our range in more detail, contact our friendly team on 01727 822255 or email us on info@aylettnurseries.co.uk.