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Generally, a lawn can be made on any well drained site. The choice of whether to use turf or seed is entirely down to individual choice. Preparation for laying turf or seeding are broadly the same. Turf will establish faster providing it is not disturbed by using the lawn too soon. Seed is easier to handle and there are different types of seeds ideal for specific situations, and it can be more economic. The best time of year for either of these methods is autumn or spring.
We have a wide range of products and tools to help you. These can help to create a lush green lawn, as well as eradicate moss and weeds. Our helpful and knowledgeable team are always available to help you with any problems you may have or advice you may need.
Spring Lawn Care
Spring is the perfect time to plan your lawn maintenance programme. Following the long dry summer last year your lawn may not be looking its best, but as temperatures rise and with some TLC it will start to recover as the grass grows. Don’t forget to service your mower if you have not already done so, ready for the growing season – a well maintained mower with sharp blades is essential for maintaining a beautiful lawn.
Many gardeners have found the benefits of leaving grass longer over winter. It can withstand the rigours it has to go through if standing taller than in summer. But in Spring the height can be brought down gradually as the season progresses. Pruning back any foliage from plants surrounding the lawn will let more light and improve airflow over it. Air movement helps reduce moisture levels, reducing the potential for fungal diseases and aiding recovery. Aerate consolidated areas of the lawn with a fork or spiking machine, providing the ground is not too wet, this will relieve compaction, improve drainage and allow more air into the root system.
Moss in your lawn is usually caused by poor drainage, a new product that is proving very popular is MossOff, it is a non-biocide that is completely safe to use near people, animals, plants and ponds. Another product is Mo Bacter, a potassium rich lawn fertiliser which softens moss growth to make it easier for on board friendly bacteria to digest your moss. There is no need to rake out dead material with this product which is a huge benefit. To deter moss we can improve aeration and drainage in the lawn, at its simplest we can spike the grass with a fork, with more effort we can remove cores of soil, but then we have to replace with larger amounts of material.
In the case of the fork spiking, we need to brush product into the holes just made, for fear of them closing up as fast as we create them. We can use various products to brush down into holes but the best would be our Westland Lawn & Turf Dressing. This is a material of good quality top soil, along with some added (25%) peat and some sand. A top dressing with this product keeps the holes open and allows drainage deterring the moss from growing back. Of course if moss does return then you have not made enough holes! Be careful over the term lawn dressing, it can mean the actual doing of a job rather than the material, so you could be putting lawn fertiliser down and still be applying a dressing, remember always use any lawn fertiliser in accordance with the instructions on the packet, or you may burn your lawn!
Top dressing can also be used to smooth the surface of a lawn. It can reduce thatch build up by encouraging decomposition. It can be used following seeding, overseeding or to protect the young plants from drying out caused by the sun or the wind while the lawn is establishing itself.
Summer Lawn Care
Mow frequently (once or twice a week) when the grass is growing vigorously. In dry weather mow less often (i.e. every 1-2 weeks) and raise the height of cut to avoid placing the grass under stress.
If you have time it is also beneficial to lightly prick over the lawn surface with a garden fork beforehand to create channels for the water to go down. If the lawn needs a quick boost, then a top up feed may be applied. Soluble lawn feeds are likely to be the best at this time of year, unless there is plenty of moisture in the soil.
It is better for the grass if you mow at right angles to the previous cut. If the grass starts to look a little dull and lifeless, this is a sign that it is under stress through lack of water. Although the lawn will recover from this, it does make it more prone to moss and weed infestation, so it is helpful to apply water. Applying water thoroughly once or twice in dry spells is better than applying small amounts of water more frequently. Keep the sprinkler on for about an hour and water in the evening to minimise evaporation.
MossOff Lawn Care
- Kills Moss on Lawns
- Safe to Children, Pets, Plants & Pond Life
- Easy to Use – Mix with water and Spray
- Effective and Long-lasting
- Non-Chemical
- Wont Scorch Grass or plants
Available to purchase from our Sundries Shop or from our online shop
Mo Bacter Organic Lawn Fertiliser
- Rids your lawn of moss, feeds grass and improves the soil all in one.
- Organic fertiliser releases nutrients evenly over a twelve week period.
- Digests moss removing the need to scarify your lawn without leaving any of the unsightly black debris.
- Does not stain stonework, patios or paths.
- Harmless to animals and wildlife.
- Doesn’t damage border plants.
- Endorsed by Royal Horticultural Society.
Available to purchase from our Sundries Shop or from our online shop